Saturday, April 19, 2008

When Bad Plants Happen to Good People

It was about time that I checked on my sister's new house. Since spring was in full bloom (as alerted by my allergies), we, or shall I say my sister, did some gardening. All under my supervision and direction of course. :-) I may be Martha, but I am no gardener.

I must tell you though it wasn't a good idea. Fighting fire (allergies) with fire (gardening) did not work well. Anyhow, we planted some white & purple hydrangeas, multi-color calla lilies, and multi-color peonies. My sister wanted to test if she can successfully grow some flowers for my wedding next year. She was also growing some narcissus indoor, and here's when bad plants happen to good people...or is it when good plants happen to bad people.

Above, a 4ft plant vs. a 5ft4 woman (my sister)

Apparently, there's a trick you can use with rubbing alcohol to stop narcissus from growing that tall, but we only learned after it bloomed. Good thing we're just testing right now. I think a table lined up with a couple pots of (normal height) narcissus makes a pretty powerful impact on the eye, don't you?

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