Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Perfect Way to Stay Warm this Winter (Part II)

I have been spending the past couple of days in Boston, and we just got hit with 6 inches of snow! I must say that I was very impressed with the town - every one was prepared...all the streets were nicely plowed , joggers continued their way and virtually all people went out as normal with their snow boots.

Well, a very rich and indulgent way to stay warm in all this snow is a nice cup of hot chocolate. We recently got some from Mariebelle, a chocolatier in NYC. I had never made hot chocolate at home, so I was really surprised to see how serious this was (it's not Swiss Miss!) It was very easy - instructions were on the can. We added some hot milk and it was done in no time. I was expecting the hot chocolate to be sweet, but it wasn't all that sweet, which was perfect for my taste.

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